Impossible Meat!

Every idiot on the Internet has already weighed in on Impossible Meat and Impossible Burgers, and who am I to not join the cacophony? In case you haven’t seen a newspaper or been on the Internet for a few months, Impossible Meats is a company that wants to make plant based meat substitutes that taste and handle just like real meat.  Their first offering is hamburger meat. Continue reading

What the Diff – New York vs Montreal Bagels

There are a lot of “feuds” in the food world.  Like Texas vs Kansas City Barbecue.  New York vs Chicago Pizza.  And New York vs Montreal bagels.  My own view is, I’ll enjoy whatever I’m lucky enough to have in front of me.  It’s not REALLY a matter of life or death.  Sacred honor is not involved.

Still, in the case of the bagels, what’s the difference? Continue reading