A New Appliance, Part II

Candy Cane Pepermint Ice Cream

Candy Cane Peppermint Ice Cream

I should have written this when it happened.  Instead, I’m writing it a little over a year after it happened.  In a previous article, A New Kitchen Appliance!, I talked about getting our DeLonghi GM6000 ice cream maker, and the delight that we were experiencing with the ice creams we were making.

We were making two batches a day.  And that delightful state of affairs continued for two weeks.  We were Continue reading

A New Kitchen Appliance!

On Sept 23, 2010.  Amazon said they’d shipped it.   I watched theOur new ice cream maker! FedEx tracking notes on-line, almost breathlessly.  Then FedEx told me it would be waiting at home!

Beth called to tell me a VERY big box had arrived.  I got home, moved the VERY big box into the kitchen and unpacked our new DeLonghi GM6000 ice cream, gelato and sorbet maker.  It wasn’t cheap, but we’d developed a two scoop a day habit, and I was becoming less and less thrilled about the ice cream we were eating. Continue reading